Friday, January 15, 2010

Goodbye 2009....Hello 2010

So another year has gone and I can't believe how fast it went. My babies are getting bigger before my eyes. I don't know it if my eternal clock is clocking away or a severe case of baby fever but I have this mental and bodily erge to be pregnant! Maybe by March we will make a final decision on if we are for sure done with baby making. lol

Alot happened last year and here are my top ten favorite moments from 2009

10. The birth of our first neice

9. My job promotion and raise

8. Blane starting kindegarten

7. Purchasing our first business together

6. Our healthy family and friends and their happiness

5. The road trip with my mom and sisters for my mom's birthday

4. Our vacation to Florida and the Bahama cruise

3. Madyson turning 3 years old

2. Blane turning 5 years old

1. Our 5 year anniversary wedding/vow renewl in Feb.

I am ready for the new year with new memories with our friends and family. But most important another year with my amazing husband and beautiful daughter and handsome son! :-)